Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Matrose: Marine-Artillerie-Einheiten

     The Kriegsmarine maintained shore-based forces and coastal artillery (Marine-Artillerie-Einheiten) was one of those components. Typically, these artillery units were positioned at vital ports and harbors but could be redeployed to defend any coastal region from attack. 

     The soldier shown here holds the rank of Matrose (Seaman), the lowest rank in the Kriegsmarine. The shoulder boards have the coastal artillery cypher in gold colored threading which is that of an anchor over which is a stylized winged artillery shell. The collar litzen was identical to that used by the Heer (Army) except that the litzen was gold in color with a white center stripe. Likewise, the eagle insignia over the right breast pocket was similar to the Heer but was gold in color as well and used a dark green backing. The feldbluse was also similar to the Heer M1936 but the differences included the lack of the M1936's distinctive dark blue-green collar and the use of internal skirt pockets rather than patch pockets. Speaking of buttons, they were gold in hue and featured an anchor motif on them. The belt buckle was also much the same as the Heer, to include the motto "Gott mit Uns" ("God with Us"), but had a gold hue finish. His cap, called a schiffchen ("Little Boat"), was similar to the Heer feldmutze but used gold in the national roundel and the inverted chevron (called a soustache) was gold in color rather than the Heer's practice of using a soldier's corps color (waffenfarbe). 

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